Sunday, 22 October 2017

Using songs to teach reading and writing, and ICT

  • Target learners: mid teenagers  (or adults) at B2 level
  • Textbook: Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles (2013). Laser B1. London: Macmillan Education. Unit 8 "The problem page"
  • Unit theme: relationships
  • ICT resources integrated: “Fast Car” (first recorded by Tracy Chapman in 1988)
  • Skills: mediated by ICT: reading and writing - not mediated by ICT: speaking
  • Linguistic aims: Narrative tenses (present and past)

Teaching writing with ICT

  • Target learners: children age 10 A1 level
  • Textbook: Susan House- Katharine Scott (2012) SPARKS 2. Richmond. Unit 3 "Look what I can do!"
  • Unit Theme: abilities
  • ICT resources integrated: Learn to read at Starfall web site- Iam reading section. "I can do it"
  • Skills:Mediated by ICT :  reading and writing            not mediated by ICT: speaking
  • Linguistics aims: write a short poem related to one character of the story.

1. After reading the story,follow these steps to write a poem:
  • choose one of the characters
  • Give it a name
  • What can it do?
  • What colour is it?
  • Why did you choose it?
2. Adjust the information you collected to create a poem. After you create the text use a word processor to decorate it. Play with colours, fonts, include images, be creative!